Printable Sun Salutation Sequence Pdf

Check out these hilarious and oh-so-relatable illustrations that will guide you through the 12 poses of Sun Salutation for beginners! It’s time to get your yoga game on, and what better way to do it than with a touch of humor?

  1. The “Trying to Touch Your Toes” Pose

Trying to Touch Your Toes PoseLet’s start with the classic pose that many beginners struggle with - trying to touch your toes. It may seem impossible at first, but don’t worry, we’ve all been there!

  1. The “I Can Totally Balance on One Leg” Pose

Balancing on One Leg PoseNext up, we have the challenging task of balancing on one leg. It may seem easy, but your wobbly attempts will definitely give you and those around you a good laugh!

  1. The “Flexibility? What Flexibility?” Pose

Flexibility? What Flexibility? PoseNow comes the pose that tests your flexibility - or lack thereof. Don’t worry if you can’t bend like a pretzel; just do your best and embrace your unique range of motion!

  1. The “Confused Alphabet” Pose

Confused Alphabet PoseGet ready to twist and turn your body into the shape of the alphabet with this fun pose! Remember, there’s no need to understand which letter you’re forming; just go with the flow!

  1. The “Morning Stretch” Pose

Morning Stretch PoseStart your day off right with the morning stretch pose. It’s the perfect way to wake up your body and mind, even if you’re not a morning person (cue groans and yawns)!

  1. The “Yoga Monday” Pose

Yoga Monday PoseFeeling stressed? Take a break from your hectic schedule with a refreshing round of sun salutations. It’s the perfect way to de-stress on a Monday, or any other day of the week!

  1. The “Awkward Transition” Pose

Awkward Transition PoseTransitioning from one pose to another can sometimes be a bit awkward, especially when you’re still getting the hang of it. Embrace the clumsiness and laugh it off - you’re not alone!

  1. The “Just Wing It” Pose

Just Wing It PoseWho needs a fancy yoga sequence when you can just wing it? Sometimes, the best way to enjoy your practice is by simply going with the flow and doing what feels good!

  1. The “Cheat Sheet” Pose

Cheat Sheet PoseDon’t worry if you can’t remember the entire sequence of sun salutations. We’ve got you covered with this handy cheat sheet. Just follow along and enjoy the journey!

  1. The “Printable Perfection” Pose

Printable Perfection PoseLooking for a printable sun salutation sequence? We’ve got plenty of options for you to choose from. Download, print, and strike a pose!

So, there you have it - a hilarious and informative guide to the 12 poses of Sun Salutation for beginners. Remember, yoga is all about having fun and embracing your unique journey. Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself and enjoy the process!